Buddhism Curriculum
Psychoanalytic self psychology, as the organic link connecting psychoanalysis and Buddhism, facilitates the transformation of the whole psychoanalytic discipline through bridging the gap between psychoanalysis’s far־reaching theoretical achievements and the theory of the analytic presence and the training channels which lead to it.
The contribution of Buddhism to the future of the next generations calls for a combined heroic effort by both East and West. The assimilation of the core of Buddhism into the field of spiritual philosophy and practice of the West will ensure both the preservation of the Buddhist heritage and, even more so, its future development as a world cultural treasure.
Buddhism Curriculum
First to Third year
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Buddhism Curriculum
Fourth to Fifth year
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Buddhism Curriculum
Sixth to Seventh year
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Meeting the Dharma Sharing Seminar
Mondays between
19:45 and 21:15
Throughout the years of study, a weekly contemplative seminar will accompany the studies of the Dharma, devoted to the students’ observation of the processes of learning and to the emotional working–through of the meeting–experience with the theoretical and practical dimensions of the Dharma.