Winter Retreat
A three to five day seminar during the winter vacation between semesters, which will focus on investigating concepts in comprehensive psychoanalysis, self psychology and Buddhism. The retreat will take place in full meditation and will include a psychoanalytic–Buddhist ‘Dharma class’.
The winter retreat is intended for students only.

Summer Retreat
A five to twelve day seminar during the month of July. The retreat will take place in full meditation into which clinical learning will be integrated with Dharma classes. The summer retreat is intended as a Sangha for the students in the program, for members of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity and for the wider professional community.

Pomaia Retreat
During the years of study the students may choose to participate in one retreat at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute for the Study and Practice of Buddhism in the Tibetan Tradition in Pomaia, Italy.