Psychoanalysis Curriculum

Self psychology returns psychoanalysis to its existential roots on the one hand, and leads it to its spiritual dimensions on the other.

Psychoanalytic self psychology places at its center three foundational components: the transformational, non־linear essence of human selfhood; empathy as the psychoanalytic platform of unity; the unique affinity of selfobject relations, which are founded upon empathic immersion of a human in his fellow other, as the psychoanalytic platform of compassion.

Comprehensive Psychoanalysis Curriculum

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Psychoanalytic Self Psychology Curriculum

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Clinical Seminar 

Mondays between
18:00 and 19:30

‘The Becoming of the Analyst as a Selfobject’ 

Until the beginning of supervised analyses (during the first three semesters) the clinical seminar will be dedicated to practicing the transformation of the mind of the students, who will be integrated in educational, medical and social settings which are not strictly therapeutic, such as kindergartens or day care centers for babies, early childhood classes in schools, treatment settings for the handicapped, community day care centers for the elderly, settings which work on empathic processes in the social and communal space. In the same vein the students will be integrated in support and emotional aid projects in times of crisis in Israel and abroad.

Beginning in the fourth semester, the clinical seminar will take place in the format of group supervision of psychoanalytic treatments.

Monthly Clinical Seminar

Last Monday of each month
between 18:00 and 19:30

‘Introspection into the Process of Becoming a Treating mind’ 

The seminar will take place monthly in a full forum of students and faculty in the setting of the program’s clinical seminar.

Bi Weekly Faculty Seminar

Mondays, between
16:15 and 17:30 

‘Introspection into the Process of Becoming a Teaching and a Treating mind’

The seminar will take place Bi Weekly in a forum of the program’s faculty.

Introductory Project

At the conclusion of the third semester, each student will submit a

theoretical research project which deals with the experience of becoming a selfobject, integrating between the program’s three fields of thought, and which is based upon the clinical intervention in the community.

Mid–Training Project

At the conclusion of the fourth year, each student will submit a theoretical research project which deals with the integration between the program’s three fields of thought, and which is based upon clinical examples taken from the psychoanalytic treatments.

Final Project

The final project of the training will deal with the presentation and discussion of one analysis from within the overall analyses of each student, and will be submitted upon conclusion of the seventh year to the program’s Teaching Committee, after fulfilling all the student’s training requirements.