General Structure of the Program
The study group is organized as a Sangha, a community which learns together, practices meditation together, and cares jointly for their material needs (such as upkeep and cleanliness of the physical studying–space and facilities), based on shared and mutual responsibility. The duration of the studies in the program is seven years, and will be funded by study and research scholarships for the students. Throughout the seven years the studies will be distributed over two days per week:
Monday afternoons from 14:30 to 21:15 and
Wednesdays from 9:00 to 15:00, (see the detailed description of the program on…).
Once a month, on Mondays from 18:00 to 19:30: A clinical seminar for the program’s students and faculty will take place
Learning in the program will be based on the following primary components:
- Personal analysis.
- Practicing at least three analyses (four analyses for those who train in psychoanalysis of children) accompanied by personal supervision for each analysis.
- 13 weekly hours of participation in the overall program: theoretical studies (comprehensive psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic self psychology, Buddhism and the humanities and arts), clinical seminar, practicing meditation, sharing seminar – Meeting the Dharma, retreats.
During the first three semesters, students will take part in an applied experience of being a selfobject in the community as part of the preparation process for the analyses they will conduct (see the details on page _).
Personal Analysis
Each student will be in personal analysis in a four times per week format for at least five hundreds sessions from the time of entry into the program.
The analyst of the personal analysis must be licensed by the institutions which are recognized for psychoanalytic training.
Training Analyses will be offered to the population of the town of Lod and its environment. They will take place in the Association’s residence, Adam Campus in Lod
- The students may begin giving psychoanalytic treatments in the second semester of the second academic year.
- Each additional analysis may begin six months after the previous one with the approval of the supervisor of the first analysis and the supervisors of the next analyses, in coordination with the Teaching Committee.
- Each student will be required to conduct three analyses.
- One of the analyses of a student training in adult psychoanalysis may be with a child or adolescent.
- Students training in child and adolescent psychoanalysis will be required to conduct four analyses: two of adults and two of children.
- Each analysis will consist of four fifty–minute sessions per week. One of the analyses of children or adolescents may be of lesser frequency, consisting of three sessions per week.
- The analytic process should optimally be maintained for at least two years for adults, and at least one and a half years for children and adolescents.
- Each student will experience analysis with both sexes (in the two analyses of children or adolescents there is no requirement of both sexes).
- Each analysis will be accompanied by personal one–hour weekly supervision, to be funded by the program for the first two years. After five years in training the frequency of the supervision can be bi–weekly for every analysis that has completed two years.
- At least two of the supervisions must be in the spirit of self psychology. One additional supervision can be chosen with a supervisor who is not a faculty member of the program, and will be funded by the student.
Supervisors must be training analysts.
* An analysis which is terminated before the lapse of two years (or one and a half years for children/adolescents) will be included in the number of analyses at the discretion of the Teaching Committee.