The ‘Human Spirit’ Faculty

Head of the Program

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Former chairperson and member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Leading Committee

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Former chairperson and member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity. Private practice in Tel Aviv.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Coordinator of the Beit Midrash, ‘Reading Kohut’.

Professor and Head of the School of Literatures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Teacher at Mandel School for Educational Leadership in Jerusalem. Among his books: Voi, Che Sapete – the Dialogue of Love in Mozart’s Operas (1994), Notes on a Place (2000), Toward the Last of the Gods: The Fountains of Rome (2003), Notes on Epiphany (2006),  The Tuned Harp – The Language of Emotions in the Poetry of H. N. Bialik (2011), Reading S. Y. Agnon (2011).​

Teaching Committee

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity. Private practice in Tel Aviv.

בעל תואר ראשון בעבודה סוציאלית. ותואר שני בלימודי פסיכואנליזה (psychoanalytic Studies and contemporary society) מ־ Burnel university, West London. בוגר בית הספר לפסיכותרפיה שליד החברה הישראלית לפסיכואנליזה. פסיכותרפיסט מטפל בילדים, נוער ומבוגרים. מתמחה בטיפול בפגיעות מיניות ובהתמכרות לסמים. עבד שמונה שנים בתחנה לילד ונוער על של אליעזר אילן בירושלים. עבד ארבע שנים ביחידת של״ם לטיפול בנפגעי סמים ומשפחותיהם (יחידת הרווחה בעירית ירושלים) ובמתן טיפול פרטני וטיפול קבוצתי לאסירים משוחררים. עבד שלוש שנים בפרויקט להדרכה וייעוץ למכורים לסמים במזרח ירושלים, בפרויקט של עמותת רופאי העולם הצרפתית בשיתוף עם עמותת karitas. הדרכת קבוצות של מתבגרים, הדרכת מטפלים בתחום הפגיעות המיניות במסגרת מכון חרוב, מתן טיפול ויעוץ לילדי הרחוב והנוער במצבי סיכון ומצוקה במסגרת עמותת על״ם ומינהל קהילתי לב העיר בירושלים. פסיכותרפיה קבוצתית לסטודנטים ערביים בבצלאל באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים מרצה בחוג לפסיכולוגיה באוניברסיטת אלקודס במשך ארבעה סמסטרים. מדריך למטפלים רגשיים ערביים ולמטפלים בקליניקות פרטיות. חבר בוועדת היגוי מטעם טביסטוק, החוקרת את הנכבה והשפעתה על גיבוש העצמי הפלסטיני. מטפל ומדריך בקליניקה פרטית.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Former chairperson and member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Member of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society and the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Coordinator of the Beit Midrash, ‘Reading Kohut’.

To be added later

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.  Works with children, adolescents and adults in Tel Aviv.

פסיכולוגית קלינית, לימודי MA בפסיכולוגיה קלינית באוניברסיטת בר אילן, התמחות בשרותי הייעוץ לסטודנט באוניברסיטת תל־אביב ובמרכז לבריאות הנפש אברבנאל. בוגרת בית הספר לפסיכותרפיה באוניברסיטת תל־אביב. ניסיון רב־שנים של טיפול בילדים ונוער במסגרות קהילתיות שונות. כיום מטפלת במבוגרים, בני נוער וילדים בפרקטיקה פרטית.

Admission Committee

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

To be added later

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Member of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society and the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Coordinator of the Beit Midrash, ‘Reading Kohut’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity. Private practice in Tel Aviv.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Former chairperson and member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Administrative Manager

Administrative Manager

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

M.S.W. and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Teacher at the psychotherapy program, Bar-Ilan University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

was born in California, and took her first courses in Buddhism in Dharamsala, India in 1973. She was ordained as a Buddhist nun in Kopan Monastery, Nepal, in 1974. She has studied Buddhism with various teachers such as Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Lama Thubten Yeshe, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. At the request of her teachers Ven Sangye Khadro began teaching in 1979, while living in England, and since then has taught in many countries around the world. She was a resident teacher at Amitabha Buddhist Centre, in Singapore, for 11 years. In 1988 Sangye Khadro took the full ordination (bhikshuni) vows. She is the author of two books published by Wisdom Publications, How to Meditate, and Awakening the Kind Heart. She completed the Masters Program in Buddhist Studies at Istituto Lama Tsong Khapa, Italy, in 2013. She is a faculty member of the Human Spirit Psychoanalytic-Buddhist Training Program in Israel, and since early 2016 has been resident teacher at the Center for Wisdom and Compassion in Copenhagen, Denmark.

To be added later

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society.
Director of the ‘Aviv Center’ for treatment, counseling, and diagnosis of mental health and behavior. Teacher in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Hana Grinberg, Psychoanalyst for adults and children at Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, a supervising clinical psychologist. Work in a private clinique, supervise and teach.

A member of the steering committee of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, and a social activist.

Professor and Head of the School of Literatures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Teacher at Mandel School for Educational Leadership in Jerusalem. Among his books: Voi, Che Sapete – the Dialogue of Love in Mozart’s Operas (1994), Notes on a Place (2000), Toward the Last of the Gods: The Fountains of Rome (2003), Notes on Epiphany (2006),  The Tuned Harp – The Language of Emotions in the Poetry of H. N. Bialik (2011), Reading S. Y. Agnon (2011).​

Supervising Clinical Psychologist. Training Psychoanalyst and chairperson of the Interdisciplinary Committee in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’ and former chairperson of the Association’s Scientific Committee. Published two books of poetry, studied harp and musical studies in Israel and Italy. Practices in Givat Hamoreh, Afula.

Yael worked as an organizational consultant before turming into Buddhism (MSc in organizational behavior – Tel Aviv University; Group Facilitation – Zipori program). Around 2012, while shifting for studies of high Buddhist philosophy, she went for FPMT study programs in India and Nepal. After a while, studied the in-depth program -Badic Program- at Nalanda monastery in south France for five years, and then stayed there five more years, being a teaching assistant in another study program. Today Yael is a registered teacher in the organization.
These days Yael is studying the Masters Program at Lama Tsong Khapa Institute in Italy. Dring her training she did many group Lamrim retreats (from a few days up to three months), and solitary retreats in FPMT centers.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Teacher and Supervisor at The Israel Winnicott Center. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Supervising Clinical Psychologist. Completed the FPMT basic program of Buddhist studies at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in Pomaia, Italy. FPMT registered teacher. Founding member of the ‘Human Spirit’ program, and former coordinator of the Buddhist domain. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Coordinator of the Beit Midrash, ‘Reading Kohut’.

To be added later

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Supervisor at the psychotherapy program, Haifa University and The Israel Winnicott Center. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Tenzin Chodron is a Buddhist Nun in the Tibetan tradition who, since ordaining in India in 1999, has studied Buddhist philosophy at Chenrezig Institute in Australia, while living within the Chenrezig Nuns Community. During this time she has worked with Karuna, a home-based hospice service offering end of life care in the community and education on death and dying. Chodron is involved in both the clinical aspect of care with the dying and their families and also presents training courses in Spiritual Care With the Dying, in addition to courses in Buddhism. In earlier years Chodron received degrees in sociology and social work, focusing as a social worker and group facilitator particularly with indigenous communities in Australia. She also studied and practiced both Psychosynthesis and within the Theosophical tradition before travelling to Tibet and embracing Tibetan Buddhism. She is a Registered Teacher with FPMT (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition).

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity. Private practice in Tel Aviv.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Lives and practices in Jerusalem.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.  Works with children, adolescents and adults in Tel Aviv.

M.S.W, Training and Supervising psychoanalyst, The Israel Psychoanalytic Society; A faculty member and supervisor in The Israel Psychoanalytic Institute; A member of The Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, served as it’s secretary; A faculty member and supervisor in The Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity various teaching programs. Served as a part of the establishment team of H.S. Living and working in private practice in Mevasseret-Zion.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity. Works with children, adolescents and adults.

Venerable Lozang Yönten is an American-born Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition (Geluk), ordained in 2003. She studied and practiced Buddhism in the United States from 1995 – 2002, after which she moved to Australia and engaged in full time study of Buddhist philosophy and practice at Chenrezig Institute ( from 2002 – 2009 with Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering, the recent Abbot of Gyurme Tantra College.

She went on to study at Thösamling Institute in North India with Geshe Tsewang Nyima and later at Chandrakirti Centre in New Zealand with Geshe Jhampa Tharchin as well as a series of in-depth Vinaya trainings in Taiwan, where she become a fully ordained Bhikshuni (Gelongma) in 2011.

In 2012, having completed the formal study and examination process, Venerable Yönten became a Registered In-Depth Teacher within the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition ( and now offers service by giving classes and facilitating retreats in many Dharma Centres around the world. She is currently the teacher in residence at Mahamudra Centre for Universal Unity in New Zealand ( as well as being the International Mahayana Institute (www. representative for Australia and New Zealand.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.
Former chairperson and member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Teacher of Bionian Thought in the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute.

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Teacher at the School of Psychotherapy in the Faculty of Medicine at Ben Gurion University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Supervisor at The Israel Winnicott Center.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Member of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society and the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity.

To be added later

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’.

Supervising Clinical Psychologist. Chairperson, the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Teacher and Supervisor in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy program, Bar-Ilan University.

Supervising Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in the Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity, teacher and Supervisor at its ‘Three-Year Program for Self Psychology’. Teacher and  Supervisor at the psychotherapy programs of Ben Gurion University, Bar Ilan University and Tel Aviv University.

Clinical Psychologist and Training Psychoanalyst, founding member and former chairperson of the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Teacher and Supervisor at the School of Psychotherapy at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Member of the Israel Association for Self Psychology and the Study of Subjectivity and coordinator of its four-year program in Tel Aviv University.